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Description: 藤帯を織る遊絲舎では藤と織物を融合させた帯の制作、藤布製品の販売や見学、体験も行っています。

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Ancient Textile made from Westeria vines

“Fujifu”, made from wisteria bers, is said to be the oldest known fabric in Japan, dating from the prehistoric Jomon period. It is an old fabric thought to have disappeared due to the rise of cotton, but although it was at the mercy of the changing times, it quietly continued to be woven in a mountain village in Kyoto's Tango region. Taking considerable time and effort, Japanese wisteria vine bers go through numerous processes to form a single thread of Fujifu. We insist on using traditional methods, from m

Myths related to Fujifu appear in the “Kojiki” (Records of Ancient Matters) and its praises sung in the “Manyoshu” (8th century Japanese poetry anthology), showing that it was loved since ancient times as clothing and everyday goods. Wisteria has a strong vitality that you would not imagine from seeing its beautiful blossoms in spring. It has also been said that wearing Fujifu would allow one to share that vitality. Born from the wisdom of predecessors and a reverence for nature, it gives out a supple beaut

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