- Zach and Kala's Wedding | Tybee Island, Georgia, May 24th, 2014

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We met at The Rail Pub in Savannah, Georgia, in February 2010. Zach stole my hat (I was going for the Molly Ringwald-circa-1986-look), and he wound up dazzling me with his knowledge of Chuck Palahniuk novels and Motown artists. I’d like to think that I was equally dazzling, but I’m pretty sure that he just really liked my butt, at least at first. The next night, I persuaded him to meet up with me for drinks, and then we met up again the night after that. One “safety date” (by the time that little plot came

Zach took me to Niagara Falls for my birthday, which is December 28th. The trip was just a quick overnight visit, but I was excited–Niagara Falls! Canada! Poutine! Snow! More snow!

After checking in, we roamed around, visiting the falls first, which were incredible, and then strolling around the town. Zach had promised to take me to a place to have some poutine, which had me really excited (french fries with gravy and cheese curds–you bet I was excited), but when he suggested we climb on the SkyWheel first, I agreed. I believe my exact words were, “How often am I going to get on a ferris wheel in Niagara Falls in the dead of winter?” Zach had already arranged to have the ride stopped