- About | Zach Azar

Description: Zach Azar's personal homepage blogging about tech, software engineering, engineering management, and entrepreneurship

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I've been developing software for 10+ years and have earned my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Computer Science. In 2016, I was a technical co-founder (it didn't blast off, unfortunately) but then I joined BuildingConnected and was able to experience real startup growth in San Francisco 🚀. Starting as a full-stack engineer when the business had ~30 employees, I ramped up to lead a team of engineers and then became an Engineering Manager helping to train other managers and scale the engineering organizati

It's been a whirlwind! After we were acquired by Autodesk in 2019 with ~230 employees, I decided to return to the technical track and worked remotely out of Seattle in various technical roles including as a Platform Team lead and a consultant (similar to a Software Architect) for teams looking to scale their web applications. Check out my résumé page to see all of the skills that I've picked up along the way.