- Zarb Lernen mit Spaß Arbeitsblätter Unterrichtsvorbereitung Lehrer Software

Description: 55 Word Macros for teachers, students, parents, and adult learners. Classroom preparation, worksheets, homeschooling, and learning with MSWord.

software (34723) education (20608) teacher (3695) students (2146) parents (1101) homeschooling (442) worksheets (246) msword (12) winword (11) classroom preparation (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Kreuzworträtsel, Wortsuchrätsel, Geheimschrift, Schütteltext, Lückentext, Fehlertext, Multiple Choice - und vieles mehr...

Crossword puzzle, wordsearch puzzle, hidden-letter fonts, scramble text, fill-in-the-blank or gap text, mistake text, multiple choice - and much more...

mots en croix, enigmes, mots a la suite, lacunes, textes a trous dans de nombreuses variantes, textes a l'envers, textes contenant des erreurs, exercices a choix multiples - et beaucoup plus...

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