- ZAVADIAK s.r.o. - EN

Description: Stavebná geológia - ZAVADIAK, spoločnosť pre inžinierskogeologický prieskum, mechaniku zemín a geotechnické výpočty, statiská penetračná skúška

cpt (93) inklinometer (15) geologicky prieskum (2) zosuv (1) kontrola zhutnenia (1) penetrační (1) zaťažovacie sadanie únosnosť (1) seizmické (1) geotrechnika (1) čerpacia (1)

Example domain paragraphs

ZAVADIAK s.r.o. company deals with solving the problems in the field of building/construction geology. We handle an interaction between buildings and natural components – soil and water. We are a major help for designers and builders. We are always looking for the optimum technical solutions using natural conditions. We don´t work with catalog solutions, each case is treated individually. Not only solutions for foundation engineering, but especially for subbase layers and embankments industrial floors and p

Our core services:

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