- Terrence Zavecz

Description: Terrence Zavecz, author of SciFi and Historic Fiction. Join the journey, venture through time and space and even into stories of the first master's of the Earth; the Dinosaurs of the Cretaceous Period.

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Book III of The Crucible Series

This is the official website for my works of fiction. Stories that cover a range of interests, focusing on speculative science (Sci-Fi) and fictional history.

I want this site to be useful, a place where you can find information about me and my novels both past and presently being worked. From here you can contact me with your questions, comments or simply to introduce yourself. I welcome your questions and am particularly interested in what things you like to s in a good story. You can leave comments on the "Contact" page as well as your eMail address. I only send occasional eMails out so you won't be bombarded with advertisements.