zeerak.net - zeerak.net

Description: Zeerak Ahmed's Home Page

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I'm a designer, engineer and writer from Lahore. During the day I lead a design team at Amazon, Inc. I make novel Urdu technology called Matnsaz , and write about Pakistani pop music at Hamnawa . I frequently lecture on design, and speak at conferences.

Email: me at zeerak dot net Resume • Twitter • Mastodon • LinkedIn • GitHub

Since 2017, I have been working to build a breakthrough typing technology for the Urdu language. Matnsaz is a keyboard for iOS, built as an example of how non-Western cultures can be accurately represented by modern technology. This work is done with an intention to contribute to the technology of South Asia. Significant to this goal, is the release of Makhzan , an open-source, structured Urdu text corpus for machine learning, NLP and linguistic analysis. More information is available in this press kit .