zellerharvestingco.com - 开云集团有限公司

Description: 开云集团有限公司成立于1988年3月注册资金7亿(titi推荐发财)国家级高新技术企业,专注于ICT 技术服务,以服务构建产业最佳连接,成为智能世界一站式服务平台。专业从事各类电量传感器开发、生产、销售的民营高科技企业,公司拥有一支专业从事军工、民用电量传感器研发经验之技术、生产、销售、服务团队。前身为宁波经济技术开发区联合发展有限总公司。开云集团有限公司产品为包括一汽、东风、中国重汽、安徽星瑞、浙江万里扬、吉利及福田采埃孚在内的国内外三十多家企业配套。

开云集团有限公司 (16)

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Zeller Harvesting is a family owned and operated Custom Silage Business. We find that God has blessed us, and hope to bless others in return.

We are looking for hard working employees for all positions. Fill  out an application today and we will get in touch with you.

We travel Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and Nebraska typically in the months of April through November.

Links to zellerharvestingco.com (4)