zesati.com.mx - Zesati – Servicios contables, fiscales, asesoría y auditoría.

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Nuestra Firma, conformada por alrededor de 60 profesionales, brinda servicios de Auditoría, Impuestos, Recursos Humanos y Legales; y proporciona Asesoría de Negocios. Nos distingue la calidez del trato personal que nuestros socios establecen con cada uno de nuestros clientes. Dlls 16.8825 Dlls. Ayer 16.9075 Euro 18.7100 Udis 7.783601 Tasa de recargos Federales Abril Prórroga 0.98 Mora 1.47 Marzo Prórroga 0.98 Mora 1.47 Febrero Prórroga 0.98 Mora 1.47 Tasa de recargos Ciudad de México Enero Prórroga 0.96 Mor


MGI Worldwide is a leading international network of separate and independent accounting, legal and consulting firms that are licensed to use “MGI” or “member of MGI Worldwide” in connection with the provision of professional services to their clients. MGI Worldwide is the brand name referring to a group of members of MGI-CPAAI, a company limited by guarantee and registered in the Isle of Man with registration number 013238V, who choose to associate as a network as defined in IFAC (IESBA) and EU rules. MGI W

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