zhao-tong.com - Tong Zhao | 赵通

Example domain paragraphs

Research Scientist at Snap Research 2025 1st Avenue Seattle, WA 98121 Personal E-mail: tong \(\alpha\tau\) tzhao \(\delta o\tau\) io Work E-mail: tzhao \(\alpha\tau\) snap \(\delta o\tau\) com ND Alumni E-mail: tzhao2 \(\alpha\tau\) alumni \(\delta o\tau\) nd \(\delta o\tau\) edu School E-mail (deprecated): tzhao2 \(\alpha\tau\) nd \(\delta o\tau\) edu Profiles: GitHub , LinkedIn , Google Scholar .

To prospective interns: Please apply on the Snap Research website here , and e-mail me afterwards.

My research interests include graph machine learning, representation learning, anomaly detection, and user modeling.

Links to zhao-tong.com (1)