zitelab.eu - Plone

Description: ZiteLab ApS company web site

zitelab (2)

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Founded in 2005, ZiteLab has grown into a company with 10+ employees in 5+ countries. We pride ourselves on our multiculturalism and view it - alongside the interdisciplinary background of several of our employees - as key in our academic attempt to bridge the gap between patients, healthcare providers and the IT systems that have grown into an indispensable part of the healthcare experience. Together with our partners, we have developed clinical trial and disease registry solutions that are in use on local

We emphasize an agile, highly iterative development process. Our solutions are often developed on-site in direct collaboration with the IT departments, healthcare providers and patients that will support or use them.

Whether it's with our use of the security-focused Plone at the backend, Angular on the frontend, or R in statistical analysis, we are throughoutly committed to open source techology.

Links to zitelab.eu (2)