zoopsychologia.com.pl - Psycholog zwierzęcy, behawiorysta - zoopsycholog lek. wet. J. Łapińska

Description: lek. wet. Jolanta Łapińska - doświadczony psycholog zwierzęcy, behawiorysta. Terapia zaburzeń zachowania psów i kotów. Najlepszy psi i koci psycholog

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Example domain paragraphs

Behavioral problems in companion animals are very common.

The most prevalent problems encountered in dogs include disobedience, destruction of household property, pulling on the leash, inability to adapt to a new environment, escapes during walks, separation anxiety, aggression towards people or other dogs, vehicle chasing or house soiling.  

Dogs also suffer from nervous disorders manifested by hyperactivity, aggression, anxiety, phobia or depression as well as by compulsive behaviors such as excessive licking and flank sucking, persistent barking or howling, tail chasing and pacing.

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