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A special agitator shaft with symmetrically arranged agitator pegs and sleeves of tungsten carbide for wear protection devel- Vertical, batch operation mill for the preparation of tungsten Ideal flow behaviour due to a special agitator peg arrange-ment and the hemispherically shaped chamber floor integrated screen plate for grinding media separationIntensive cooling through a double-wall grinding tank and cooled circulation pipeline ?ョ??璇?? > > Development of the first continuous agitator bead mill Product

NMP400L纾烽?搁????涓??ㄦ?????纾ㄦ??/a> NMZ150L绾崇背??纾ㄦ??/a> NMZ2???ㄧ撼绫崇??纾ㄦ??/a> NMZ80绾崇背??纾ㄦ??/a> NMZ30绾崇背??纾ㄦ??/a> NMZ15绾崇背??纾ㄦ??/a> NMZ10绾崇背??纾ㄦ??/a> NMZ40绾崇背??纾ㄦ??/a>