zurbwired.com - ZURB

Description: ZURB, creating unique customer and user experiences. We are brand engineers that provide companies with strategic marketing, design and branding solutions. Work includes identity, branding, information design, web design, illustration, software design, icon design, and multimedia work.

design (76400) interaction design (855) design thinking (839) design strategy (141) zurb (15)

Example domain paragraphs

Our first Wired wasn't just a stunt. We saw an educational opportunity where nonprofits could learn Progressive Design and push forward!

Working with nonprofits over the years, we've found that they need every detail figured out before they take action. There's a time and place for detail, but when getting a project off the ground, it can be paralyzing. That's where design thinking comes to the rescue!

This year, we worked alongside with Life Services Alternatives, we worked 24 hours straight to craft them a new marketing campaign that will help them raise money for their 12th home.