zuzu.net - Welcome to Karolyn Grimes' Official Zuzu Site

Description: The Zuzu News is the official web site of the Zuzu Society and actress Karolyn Grimes, who portrayed Zuzu Bailey in the classic movie

classic movies (46) zuzu (10) it's a wonderful life (4) jimmy stewart (4) iawl (2) george bailey (2) karolyn grimes (1) every time a bell rings (1) zuzunews zuzu's petals

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Notes from Karolyn:

The handmade ornaments I have offered for so many years were provided by my dear friend Ellen. Ellen died on March 22, 2021. She was too young. Her artwork and ornaments are in many of your homes. God has another angel.

To all of you It's A Wonderful Life fans!!! Some of you may know that I had a book  published by Kensington Press in NY. It was a cookbook and it was published in 1996. The first one is called "Zuzu Bailey's It's A Wonderful Life Cookbook" and was written by me and Franklin Dohanyos. We're best friends to this day. Well, on a whim we got in touch with my publisher/editor because this year is the 75th anniversary of the movie and the 25th anniversary of the book. Turns out, Kensington is going to re-issue th

Links to zuzu.net (1)