zydeconation.org - Zydeco Nation - Barry Yeoman

Description: A radio documentary about the Creole migration to Northern California and the Bay Area's zydeco culture.

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Zydeco Nation

The French Creoles of South Louisiana are a rural people whose roots contain a blend of African, French, and other ancestries. During the era of legalized segregation, they developed close-knit communities and a vibrant musical culture. Then, starting in World War II, many Creoles started looking west in search of greater opportunity and freedom, and began a migration to Northern California. They brought with them the dance music that held them together as a community: zydeco.

Zydeco Nation is a one-hour radio documentary that tells the story of that migration and looks at the zydeco culture that now thrives in the Bay Area. You can listen to the entire documentary here . No registration is required.

Links to zydeconation.org (1)