Description: ZYXWVU
There is a lot of insanity about. There are many in authority who seek to repress freedoms. And finally, there are some who do act in their own worst interests. And they harm others.
Things are messed up enough to make people want to make things better. ZYXWVU is here to help. A first form of help for some problems is to name them. The problem named here is psychopathy .
September 8, 2018 - The Senate Judicial Committee hearings on Judge Kavanaugh run by Senator Grassley exposes the GOP's power grab nature. Any close review shows the progressive Senators ripped to shreds a lot of what Grassley said and also exposed the poorly hidden facts about the nominee's regressive societal views which clearly smear his other views even legal views. We see thru him and see how he cheats to exert control especially over women's bodies. This bastard is very likely to join the court despit