- Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7

Description: AE911Truth is a nonprofit organization that represents more than 3,000 architects and engineers who are calling for a new investigation into the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7 on 9/11.

construction (16641) architects (2287) engineers (1051) 9/11 (163) 'controlled demolition' (12) nanothermite (5) 09/11 (5) 09/11/01 (5) 09/11/2001 (5)

Example domain paragraphs

Building 7 was destroyed in the manner of a classic implosion, falling suddenly, symmetrically, and in absolute free fall into its own footprint.

The Twin Towers were destroyed by waves of explosions that pulverized the building contents and hurled steel beams up to 600 ft in all directions.

While engineering organizations have retreated into the safety of defending the indefensible or simply turning a blind eye to the overwhelming evidence of controlled demolition at the World Trade Center on 9/11, these individuals have boldly chosen a different path. One that brings them no reward except the satisfaction of knowing that they’re doing the right thing.

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