- AnyTeleop

Example domain paragraphs

Vision-based teleoperation offers the possibility to endow robots with human-level intelligence to physically interact with the environment, while only requiring low-cost camera sensors. However, current vision-based teleoperation systems are designed and engineered towards a particular robot model and deploy environment, which scales poorly as the pool of the robot models expands and the variety of the operating environment increases. In this paper, we propose AnyTeleop, a unified and general teleoperation

--> Four Features of AnyTeleop Remote Teleop Collaborative Teleop Labmates Test (User Study) More Teleop Tasks System Design Hand Controls Hand, Arm Controls Arm The human finger pose controls the dexterous hand while the human wrist pose controls the robot arm.

AnyTeleop can support teleoperation with diverse robot arms and hands, in either virtual, e.g. SAPIEN and IsaacGym simulator, or the real world.

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