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Book with 22 drawings of B.C. Epker & 20 poems of Peter du Gardijn inspired by diary of the Dutch whaling captain Hidde Dirks Kat (1747-1824) Language : Dutch, English Book format : Hardcover, 22 × 22 cm / 48 pgs / full colour / edition 400 Design : Sonja Kamer Translation : Agnes Matthews Editor : Hanneke Majoor Print : Grafische Groep Van der Eems, Easterein/Heerenveen Finishing : Boekbinderij Soesbeek, Groningen Publisher : Mauritsheech Publishers Distribution : Wijdemeer Nur : 306, 646 ISBN : 978-90-826

Review in Dutch by Drs. Erik Kreytz (NBD Biblion, 15-05-2019)

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