- BIP39 – Typer | Type crypto mnemonics as fast as possible

Description: Use crypto wallet mnemonics as phrase to challenge your typing speed. The phrases are generated by the Bitcoin Improvement Proposol No.39 standard.

phrase (34) typer (23) mnemonics (16) bip39 (2) bip 39 (2)

Example domain paragraphs

This website employs the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal №39 (BIP-39) as an experimental method to challenge users to type a given phrase as fast as possible. While this practice is common on websites testing typing speed with ten fingers, these words also serve as mnemonics for numeric representations, acting as keys to a crypto wallet that will not be generated but assigned. Essentially, users are manually "brute-forcing" the Bitcoin blockchain by hand while also improving their typing skills.

Although the seed phrase comprises only 24 words, the number of possible combinations is endless, amounting to 2048²⁴. So, there is a minute possibility of stumbling upon an existing wallet, but in reality, it is impossible.


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