l-i-l.de - Johannes Strüber

Description: Fullstack web developer and former graphic design graduate. Based in Kassel, Germany. I tend to mix the media's typical practices with cutting-edge digital processing techniques.

design (76400) art (55598) grafikdesign (3233) tokyo (1572) kassel (1281) alumni (875) khk (53) khs (52) kunsthoschule kassel grpahicdesign

Example domain paragraphs

As a web developer and designer, my work often results in cross-media solutions. I tend to mix the media's typical practices with cutting-edge digital processing techniques. I am employed by the Kassel-based agency Dorfmeyster . Some of my projects from 2016 through the present are down below.

Design by Benjamin Weymann

Design by Vier5

Links to l-i-l.de (4)