- Home - Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación Paraguay - CAMP

Description: El (CAMP), dependiente de la Cámara Nacional de Comercio y Servicios de Paraguay, es una entidad privada sin fines de lucro, constituida para promover en forma institucionalizada la aplicación de Métodos Alternativos de Resolución de Disputas en la sociedad, cuyas ventajas radican en su rapidez, confidencialidad, informalidad, flexibilidad, economía y especialidad.

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Our Services..

The Paraguay Arbitration and Mediation Center (CAMP), dependent on the National Chamber of Commerce and Services of Paraguay (CNCSP), is a private non-profit entity, established to promote in an institutionalized way the application of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods In society, advantages lie in its speed, confidentiality, informality, flexibility, economy and specialty

Currently, CAMP is the national section of the Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission (CIAC) and a member of the Mediation Secretariat of the MERCOSUR Council of Chambers of Commerce. Its scope of work is developed in Mediation, Arbitration, Training and Advisory services.

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