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Most of us around the world call cities home, including here in Canada, where more than 80 percent of people live in urban areas. Globally, another 2.5 billion people will live in cities by 2050. Urbanization represents one of the greatest challenges of our times, particularly because of rising social inequalities, unprecedented demographic shifts, and environmental degradation. We must make fundamental changes to the way we think about and build cities if they are to become places where all people can thri

Cities are “systems of systems”—they encompass streets, buildings, public spaces, parks, libraries, residential spaces, institutions, social networks and economic activity. Viewing cities this way helps us find opportunities to support efforts to make positive changes. Following an experimental phase, in 2016 Cities for People began working with other entities to develop an approach for changing cities. We have teamed up with a host of institutions, municipalities and non-profit organizations to pursue the

Neighbourhood revitalization and poverty reduction initiatives ensure more inclusive and resilient cities across Canada.

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