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Extra Intra is a website by the Editorial Board of Intercurricular Programs from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie / Sandberg Instituut & provides an overview of the academy's various intercurricular platforms, student initiatives & their events. Learn more about the Editorial Board in About & FAQ .

In this conversation, psychoanalyst Jamieson Webster will explore the consequences of Freud’s theory of the death drive. Working in silence, hiding in plain sight, a kind of relentless negative pull or rift, what kind of attempts can we make to work with the death drive and begin to mark a limit? Looking at dreams, unfolding sessions in psychoanalysis, the making of art, and political activism, we will think about the death drive in the contemporary landscape. We will pay particular attention to the problem

This is a collective mapping workshop hosted by Not Just a Collective and facilitated by Lu Lin and Femke Kersten for this edition. During the workshop, we will explore questions such as "What is publishing?" "What can we do to enrich the realm of publishing?" and "How can we co-exist as self-publishers?" Through group discussions and activities, the workshop aims to generate a collective action plan to redefine publishing practices and provide practical guidance for self-publishers in collaboration with pa

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