- Forest Rogers

Example domain paragraphs

Friends, here’s my take on that deep question, “What if Queen Elizabeth the First had been a crustacean?” She has also been chosen as a finalist in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s Art Prize competition — enough to please any Aquatic Monarch! :) She’s in fabulous company, which can be seen on the People’s Choice voting page (if you’re inclined to vote for your favorite pieces, the deadline Sept. 7, 2023 Australian Eastern time).

Friends, here's a fabulous sculpting demonstration book by the beloved and brilliant Shiflett Brothers , with guest appearances by Simon Lee , Aris Kolokontes and myself. The Brothers, Simon Lee and Aris Kolokontes present phenomenal clay sculpting demos, and I added a demo on mulberry paper fairy wings. The book is available direct from art publishers 3dTotal (who did a great job concisely editing my meandering brain) and from the Aves clay studios, as well as from Amazon and others. It's a truly super boo

Friends, this fairy has found a permanent home already, but can still be seen at the Haven Gallery in Northport, NY till mid-October, 2022.

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