- From Rome | News and Commentary on the Catholic Church

Description: News and Commentary on the Catholic Church

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Editor’s Note: The above is incorrectly reported, because when a community is dissolved it no longer exists. To say that a community will have to dissolve in 9 months time, is like saying, let’s wait until the complaints are forgotten and then we will forget to suppress it. — Also, Both Barnhardt and Walker are saying Pope Francis will be buried outside of Rome (Walker) or away from all the Popes (Barnhardt). These statements are false. As readers know, having lived for 4 years in and about Ro

Finally a brief update. Catholics in the English speaking world do need an objective uncontrolled news source at Rome. FromRome.Info tried to do that, but it takes major funding, as it is very difficult both to rent residences for reporters and operate a news operation from the Eternal City on occasional free-will donations. — If anyone wants to try. my offer to sell (for a donation to a Charity I name) remains open, just contact me for more information.

Editor’s Note: Jorge Bergoglio is back to his same-old same-old, which appears to be the most extraordinary hypocrisy in the world, but is really a form of the most satanic politics, Peronism, where you say and do anything you like to be perceived to be everything to everyone.

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