- 开云网页版入口(中国)开云有限公司

Description: 开云网页版入口(中国)开云有限公司【哈宝信誉推荐】成立于2005年,集团现有工业制造、能源开发、数字经济、投资管理、资产运营、工艺美术等六大主业。下辖木材集团、冶炼公司、快鹿集团等16家全资及控股子公司,温州电厂等7家参股公司,工美院等3家事业单位,以及101家托管老国有集体企业。集团及所属子公司员工1600多人,托管企业员工近1000人。集团涉及原机械、电子、化工、轻工、二轻、纺织、医药和陶建等八大工业局300余家企业,职工服务面达9万人

开云网页版入口(中国)开云有限公司 (30)

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Stone Capital provides ongoing consultation for startups and growth entities. For companies seeking to raise capital in the private placement market to the IP or debt world, Stone Capital’s team can assist from the very beginning stages through launch.

Stone Capital offers a wide range of business solutions, both onshore and offshore. We operate our network of fully-integrated fund and consulting services in many of the world’s popular jurisdictions including, Hong Kong, the Cayman Islands, New York, the British Virgin Islands, Luxembourg, London, Singapore, and many others. Additionally, over decades, we have developed professional relationships with leading companies that may be able to assist our clients with growth opportunities.

Stone Capital was created to serve startups and growth companies with there business and capital needs. In many ways our company was created to serve the needs of existing clients who needed additional services but did not want to have to contact numerous firms to assist. This is where Stone Capital can play a large role.

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