heatsealbars.com - ROPEX® America | RES Heat Seal Controllers | 414 507-9378

Description: ROPEX® RES | Impulse heatseal controls and components for sensorless heatsealing and manipulation of heat sealable materials | Force Global | USA

res (194) ropex (106) resistron (105) res-401 (105) res-402 (105) res-403 (105) res-406 (105) heat sealing controls (14) res-407 (14) res-408 (14)

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Force Global - ROPEX America, direct sales and support for End-users, OEMs, and Distributors . Offering the complete range of Ropex Resistron controllers, consumables, and componenets to support your existing equipment repairs, upgrades, and new system development. We provide leading German engineered heat-sealing technology using closed-loop resistance control.

This allows our customers the many benefits of sensorless, temperature controlled heat-sealing and enables manipulation of heat sealable materials per your requirement.

Pictured: ROPEX Resistron RES-407 Impulse Heat Seal Controller

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