- Universal patterns. – Trance religion.

Description: There is a trance that has nothing to do with the modern electronic music genre and this trance was invented by prehistoric people, likely by shamans or witch doctors for example. This trance is spiritual, divine and religious. Prehistoric shamans used barbiturates, dance music and effort to work themselves into a frenzy, in order to…

Example domain paragraphs

The Unexplained 1990s.

The 1990s has a pre- and post- within the decade, therefore, there is no post-1990s like we have the post-1980s. The 1990s is pre-fascist before something around 12 January 1998 (about tea time) and post-Holocaust thereafter. There is nothing unexplained or mysterious after around 12 January 1998 (about tea time). Until around tea around the 12 January 1998, the 1990s had unexplained and mysterious music and films etc. There is nothing unexplained or mysterious post-millenium. Blame the internet, Google and

Once you have read this essay, head bang to remove the geek and forget about what is in this essay. Eternal youth is a dance move.

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