- The Tangent. – Instant time is zero and eternal time is infinity.

Description: Not bigger than four. Any party, organisation, government, country or race can use imperial insignia, however, the imperial race (which is brown) needs inverse monotheism which is race / self, empire and banned in or out interracial sex for eternity. Any colour is fine but the purpose of giving time scribble the colour red is…

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Human and even alien religions are local, regional, national, racial and ethnic, hence, they are very biased, however, Ismlessism and racelessism having 0 isms are hence, 0% biased between all isms, philosophies, religions, sexes, races, species throughout the universe and beyond etc. Ismlessism and racelessism are therefore, non-faith, non-sectarian and non-denominational etc. Therefore, Ismlessism and racelessism are literally universal philosophy (LUP) that are 100% inclusive, including sentient aliens.

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