Description: Not bigger than four. Any party, organisation, government, country or race can use imperial insignia, however, the imperial race (which is brown) needs inverse monotheism which is race / self, empire and banned in or out interracial sex for eternity. Any colour is fine but the purpose of giving time scribble the colour red is…
Human and even alien religions are local, regional, national, racial and ethnic, hence, they are very biased, however, Ismlessism and racelessism having 0 isms are hence, 0% biased between all isms, philosophies, religions, sexes, races, species throughout the universe and beyond etc. Ismlessism and racelessism are therefore, non-faith, non-sectarian and non-denominational etc. Therefore, Ismlessism and racelessism are literally universal philosophy (LUP) that are 100% inclusive, including sentient aliens.