- ISIC - International Student Identity Card

Description: International Student Identity Card (ISIC) provides thousands of discounts worldwide and access to the global student community.

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Welcome to ISIC International Student Identity Card The ISIC card is the only internationally accepted student identity card which provides student status verification, thousands of discounts worldwide and access to the global student community. Get Your Card More info Making Student Life Better About ISIC Association The ISIC Association is the non-profit organisation behind the International Student Identity Card. First created by students in 1953, the ISIC card is now issued to students in 114 countries.

The ISIC Association aims to play a key supporting role in the lives of students globally in helping make their student time easier, more affordable and more enjoyable via facilitating the international recognition of their official student status. The ISIC card has been endorsed by UNESCO since 1968 and is endorsed by a wide range of national governments, ministries of education and tourism, student organisations and universities worldwide.

Download the ISIC mobile app to access your digital student card whenever you go, explore thousands of ISIC offers and services available worldwide and redeem them instantly. With the ISIC app you can discover discounts around you on the map, get latest news, limited vouchers and more! 

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