legged-manipulation.github.io - Visual Manipulation with Legs

Description: Deformable Neural Radiance Fields creates free-viewpoint portraits (nerfies) from casually captured videos.

nerf (195) d-nerf (90) nerfies (89)

Example domain paragraphs

&nbsp &nbsp Animals have the ability to use their arms and legs for both locomotion and manipulation. We envision quadruped robots to have the same versatility. This work presents a system that empowers a quadruped robot to perform object interactions with its legs, drawing inspiration from non-prehensile manipulation techniques. The proposed system has two main components: a manipulation module and a locomotion module. The manipulation module decides how the leg should interact with the object, trained wit

Our approach augments neural radiance fields (NeRF) by optimizing an additional continuous volumetric deformation field that warps each observed point into a canonical 5D NeRF. We observe that these NeRF-like deformation fields are prone to local minima, and propose a coarse-to-fine optimization method for coordinate-based models that allows for more robust optimization. By adapting principles from geometry processing and physical simulation to NeRF-like models, we propose an elastic regularization of the d

We show that Nerfies can turn casually captured selfie photos/videos into deformable NeRF models that allow for photorealistic renderings of the subject from arbitrary viewpoints, which we dub "nerfies" . We evaluate our method by collecting data using a rig with two mobile phones that take time-synchronized photos, yielding train/validation images of the same pose at different viewpoints. We show that our method faithfully reconstructs non-rigidly deforming scenes and reproduces unseen views with high fide

Links to legged-manipulation.github.io (2)