- Libsoft Solutions

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L IBSOFT &#174 has 24 years experience in Software Industry. Past 24 years we are successfully giving support to our Clients. Our Chairman is Jesus Christ , the one who is the reason to divide our Calendar AD and BC . He is the light of this world, came here for saving sinners from their sinful life, showing the right Way, Truth and Life.

LIBSOFT &#174 is an integrated, multi-user, user-friendly Library Management Software Package. It has been excellent performance in various Schools, Colleges, Universities, Special and Public Libraries. The most versatile Library automation Software has achieved the lead with largest number of installations . All Library routines and high level documentation services are possible in a user friendly manner therefore; Users can use it with confidence even without special training. It is developed with the hel

The options for searching and sorting under any field are the versatility of the program. Also we claim that some of the features like selection of fields for data output, indexing and automatic classification are unique. It covers all the housekeeping operations of all types of libraries in the area of Accession, Classification, Cataloguing, Circulation, Journal Indexing and On-line searching.

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