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336645377_765791931457763_1870975671698272470_n 336555973_1653013228466784_1885618676505292476_n Get Registered Today Lighting Digital National Rollout As At Today... 2384 + Youth 1280 + Women 1489 + Gov Officials 276 + Volunteers 55 + Gov Organizations 137 mn+ Investment Lighting Digital National Forum One intriguing feature that will be highlighted throughout this Lighting Digital National Forum is that the individuals in the community who have benefitted the most from the Lighting Digital Initiative will

In accordance with the Lighting Digital Initiative, the Capacity Building SBU of ICT Agency Sri Lanka has organized a series of forums for the end of every year with the goal of bringing together all of the important stakeholders: government organizations, industry associations, private sector companies, community-based organizations, international development agencies, regional stakeholder organizations, domain experts, and social activists, with whom ICTA has spent a great deal of time collaborating on th

Future-Ready ICT skills to our Sri Lankan youth with the aim of increasing employability in the ICT sector

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