ootrandomizer.com - Ocarina of Time Randomizer

Description: Ocarina of Time Item Randomizer: Your way into a completely new hyrule. Generate your OoTR Seeds here and enter an amazing experience - Powered by ZSR

modding (156) zelda (104) randomizer (25) the legend of zelda (12) ocarina of time (11) oot (5) zsr (2) ootr (2) zeldaspeedruns (1) tloz (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Generated seeds: 1454273

Last seed generation: 164 seconds ago

The Discord Server for OoTR has ten thousands of members eager to play, discuss routes, provide setup help and organize races! If you are a rando maniac, you want to be in there! https://discord.gg/ootrandomizer

Links to ootrandomizer.com (3)