- Physics of Behavior | Peleg Lab

Description: This site shocasts the work done at the Peleg Lab, CU Boulder

bees (655) beetles (94) fireflies (12) collective behavior (1) orit peleg (1)

Example domain paragraphs

BioFrontiers Institute   & CS Department at  CU Boulder

Our research is aimed at understanding how organisms change their micro-environment to buffer themselves against harmful environmental fluctuations, while still allowing for exchange of energy, matter and information with the macro-world. This includes protein assemblies that remain intact under varying external mechanical and chemical stimuli, beetles that navigate using volatile celestial cues, and honeybee clusters that change their morphology to both withstand mechanical stresses, and to regulate their

In active biological-physical systems, disorder could be a plus:  while ordered systems are stable and predictable, they leave little room for exploration – a crucial survival mechanism for organisms in varying environments. What is the optimal level of disorder suitable for each system? To address this, we conceptualize organisms as living-matter, use various numerical and analytical techniques, and maintain a strong connection to experiments, either by conducting them ourselves or via collaborations. We e

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