Description: Dedicated to my past 30 years of Radio and electronic constructions
Welcome to this website featuring a pastime hobby, based about my home built Vintage Radios. As well as walking and cycling I have been into Electronics for the past 50 years and I built my first working Radio from a Philips Electronic Kit, A popular educational toy during my childhood days of the 1960s and early seventies. I also got mine as a Christmas present in 1971 when I was only 10 years old. As time progressed this kit learnt me how to read schematic circuit diagrams and I started buying Bernard's R
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") document.write(" "); Transistor Shortwave Receiver. My tresured possession, built from a kit, on a table in the living room during Christmas day 1977
Transistor Shortwave Reciever. This is the back view of the previous design and has given me many years of portable listening pleasure.