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Description: The Sisterhood of the Rose brings together all forms of the Goddess and God energy into the highest aspects of the Divine Feminine – an energy that has been collectively lost for centuries and is now returning and reawakening our world through Sisterhood of the Rose groups around the planet.

goddess (362) conciousness (12) divinecalling (1) galacticwaveoflove (1) spiritualevolution (1)

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Log In Sisterhood of the Rose Divine Calling We are all in the midst of great transformation. Many of us are awakening to signs and synchronicities that are manifesting in our lives, in our visions and our dreams that we cannot explain, causing us to search for answers . For our conscious evolution, it is urgent and vital for all of us to finally understand that a feminine aspect of the Divine is re-emerging into our collective consciousness, and by aligning ourselves – both men and women – with the feminin

Victory of the Light!

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