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Hey all   I've come with a new layout at 1 am in the morning! Lol,'s kinda late on my end, but I wanted to try and get this done and uploaded before I don't get a chance to. It features a couple from a new series I started, and so far it's not too bad   So sorry for the lack of activity...a lot has been going on and it's just been really tough offline. I managed to take a small breather and finally upload the new layout I've been working on for a few weeks. I hope you all like the new look. I quic

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Oh my goodness!  Where did all the time go? Last time I posted was back in May! My apologies...  work life just simply took over.. with the ongoing staffing issues...and the rising costs of well..pretty much everything, I picked up more work in the process. Life is hard... adulting is hard...  Anyways, I do have some updates, but I don't quite have the time to post them at the moment... Next time I get the chance to post, you'll all know what it is 

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