taintedwings.xyz - †Tainted Wingz†

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I got fusion news to work but I changed my PHP from 8.1 to 7.4. So now I have this to post my updates and just on. yay right? lol Well I got some news that I'm not sure if I want to tell you all or not. My grandma is in the hospital and I don't know if she is going to make it or not. So if you wanna play for her you can. But from what I know is that she is up and down and is on a lot of meds. So yea...

I wish Tainted Onez.... I wish collecting things on there even if me and Tiffany was the only ones posting things. -sighs- oh well. Now for the lastest updates:

Last thing: If anyone wishes to make my a layout for this new system, let me know ^_^

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