whereyoulead.com - Where You Lead

Description: My spiritual journey, thoughts and meditations.

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Do not take revenge, dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written, “Vengeance belongs to me. I will pay them back, declares the Lord.” Romans 12:19

I have lived by this passage. In fact, vengeance frightens me. When I’m feeling so angry that I want to “get back” at someone, I pray. I pray that God calms me. I pray that God controls me. And in the end, I pray that God blesses the person on whom I want to seek revenge.

I know that seems crazy. I’m not even sure I can explain it. I just know that when I pray that God blesses the person who has hurt me, without any conditions attached – like “so he’ll feel bad for what he did” or “so she’ll apologize” – something miraculous happens. I don’t know exactly what it does for the other person but I know that I find peace. Crazy, huh?

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