wryday.com - Wryday.com

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We've been hard at work on a new version of our popular web app, GasCalc, with a new Android version in the works. A closed Beta will be launched soon, then a more open Beta, so let us know if you want to be part of that! Don't worry iOS users, we haven't forgotten about you! An iOS version will follow...

Posted on 2016-09-18

Wow, we've seen a huge increase in downloads of Dub FM for Android over the past several weeks! Welcome to all the new users, and thank you for choosing our fun little app! We'd love to know where people are finding out about Dub FM. Drop us a line via the email link on the Play Store if you read about the app somewhere, or if you have any comments or feedback. We've got some interesting stuff planned for the near future, so stay tuned!

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